The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) has recently published its thematic study on participation in political and public life by persons with disabilities (CRPD, Article 29). The Human Rights Council in its resolution 16/15 (March 2011) requested to the OHCHR to prepare a study on this topic, that will be presented at the 19th session of the Council in March 2012.
This study, which has been developed in consultation with relevant stakeholders, including States, United Nations agencies, the Special Rapporteur on disability of the Commission for Social Development of the Economic and Social Council, civil society organizations, including organizations of persons with disabilities, and national human rights institutions, highlights good practices in the field of participation of persons with disabilities in elections and in the conduct of public affairs, and identifies the main challenges that still prevent or limit the equal and effective participation of persons with disabilities in the political and public life of their countries.
Please click the links to access this thematic study on article 29 (PDF version or Word version).
Contributions that were received by OHCHR as input to this study.