Italy Presents Its National Report to the CRPD Committee
Italy has submitted its national report to the CRPD Committe. For the moment, the report is only available in English.
Republic of Moldova Presents Its National Report to the CRPD Committee
Republic of Moldova has submitted its national report to the CRPD Committe. For the moment, the report is only available in English.
Slovakia Presents Its National Report to the CRPD Committee
Slovakia has submitted its national report to the CRPD Committe. For the moment, the report is only available in English.
Second Decision Adopted by the CRPD Committee on an Individual Complaint
This case against the UK concerns a man with type 1 Diabetes who was made redundant from his employment. He claimed that his redundancy was based on the presumption that diabetes results in prolonged periods of time off due to illness, and that he had been the victim of disability-based discrimination.