Thematic Group on Disaster Risk Reduction of the Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities meets in Geneva
The Thematic Group on Disaster Risk Reduction of the Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities met in Geneva, Switzerland, in advance of the Sendai Global Platform 2019 on Monday 13 May 2019.
IASC Guidelines on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action: Validation Workshop
The International Disability Alliance, in partnership with the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Task Team, is holding a global workshop to support the validation and finalization of the IASC Guidelines on Inclusive Humanitarian Action for Persons with Disabilities. The workshop runs from 8 to 11 April 2019 in Madrid, Spain.
Multi-Stakeholder Review Workshop on the IASC Guidelines, Geneva, 10-11 December 2018
On 10-11 December 2018 in Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, a workshop is being held to review the second draft of the IASC Guidelines on Inclusion of Persons with Disabili
IASC Task Team on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action: Africa Regional Consultation
The African Disability Forum (ADF), in partnership with the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Task Team on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action and the International Disability Alliance (co-chair of the Task Team), is holding a regional multi-stakeholder consultation for the African region in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 23 – 24 May 2018.