JICA adopted the concept of Human Security which refersto the safeguarding of people’s freedom from fear and want, ensuring that they (e.g. refugee group) can livein safety and dignity. Under the umbrella of the concepts of Human Security, Japan committed to disaster management by sharing its knowledge and experience with the international community, and pledged to include those with disabilities in disaster risk reduction planning. Thus, JICA will advocate Disability-Inclusive Disaster Risk Management.

Timeframe and/or implementation plan
Implementation plan of theSchool-based Disaster Education training for students with intellectual disabilities in Turkey. Implementation plan of theFeasibility Survey for Development of Accessible TV Set-Top-Box for Persons with Visual or Auditory Disabilities in Support of Disaster Risk Reduction in Ecuador (JFY 2018).

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Commitment theme: Year:

Japan International Cooperation Agency

JICA, in accordance with the Development Cooperation Charter, will work on human security and quality growth.
