Policy, legislation and its implementation

  • The Government of Jordan, via the Ministry of Social Development and the Higher Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, in co-ordination with the ministries of education and health and others pledges to end the existence of institutions by 2027, and work within a road-map that sees the eventual transformation of its service-delivery into one that promotes inclusive services and independent living for people with disabilities within their biological or foster families – in an environment that fosters acceptance of difference.
  • According to article (40) for the Law on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the Media Commission, Association of Journalists, the Jordan Radio and Television Corporation, official and unofficial media and press corporations will include into their media strategies approaches that will promote the rights of persons with disabilities and will develop and invest in guidelines for good practice [Article 8, CRPD]. 

Timeframe and/or implementation plan

  • In article 27 of the Law on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities No 20 for the Year 2017, there is a clear stipulation for the Ministry of Social Development and HCD in co-ordination with the Ministry of Education, ministries of health and labour (and others) to develop a national action plan that constitutes inclusive alternatives to institutions and promotes the delivery of inclusive services and independent living for people with disabilities by 2027. 
  • The entities concerned will adopt policies for editing language and terminology that will uphold non-discrimination and full respect for persons with disabilities and their inherent dignity. The commitment also includes delivering training to journalists and others working in the media sector on mechanisms for positive portrayals on issues related to persons with disabilities in order to ensure awareness of their rights and to eliminate the prevalent social stereotypical perceptions of such persons. These entities will also strengthen the capacities of persons with disabilities and their organizations in the field of public media and communication to raise awareness of their rights and issues and change the widespread negative attitudes towards disability.

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