Capacity building: teachers and staff
CBM is committed to equitable, quality, lifelong inclusive education provision for all, with a specific focus on persons with disabilities living in low income settings. This commitment is in line with the CRPD, SDG 4, and the IDDC Costing Equity Call to Action, Inclusive Education Statement of Action.

Timeframe and/or implementation plan
By 2023 in line with our programmatic commitments, CBM commits to working in partnership with persons with disabilities and their families for systemic change in education. This means: supporting the educational workforce; the transformation of special schools into inclusive education resource centres; strengthening education systems and building the capacities of person with disabilities to becoming teachers; and advocating for disability inclusive education in the countries we work in.

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Commitment theme: Year:


CBM is an international Christian development organisation, committed to improving the quality of life of people with disabilities in the poorest communities of the world. Based

NGO - International