Policy, standards and regulations
Children’s rights to inclusive education is supported by policy and regulations. Inclusive education is fully integrated into national and sectoral planning and budgeting. Collaborative efforts are made between ministries, schools, Disabled Persons Organisations and families to enhance inclusive education policies, services, and planning.
Timeframe and/or implementation plan
The Education Law No. 3/ 1994 will be amended in 2019 to reflect the right and access to appropriate education for all vulnerable and excluded children. In collaboration with the Higher Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, other Ministries, schools, special education schools, DPOs, community organisations and families, the Ministry of Education will launch a 10 year inclusive education plan by end of 2018. By 2025, the Ministry of Education will update school council regulations to include representation from the community in general and DPOs, and community organisations in particular. By 2025, all schools will work actively through school councils with the local community to support school development including inclusive education.
Capacity building: teachers and staff
The quality of the education system is improved to deliver inclusive education.
Timeframe and/or implementation plan
Teacher training (pre-service and in-service) will be updated to include a component on inclusive education so that by 2025, all new teachers will have had training on inclusive education and its requirements. School curriculum and assessment processes are updated and inclusive and acknowledge the diverse learning needs of all children including those with disabilities, and the development of a comprehensive screening system to diagnose students with disabilities in line with article (19) of the Law on the Rights of People with Disabilities No. 20/ 2017. In line with article (20) of the Law No. 20/ 2017, by 2027 all relevant personnel seeking employment will have to pass the training requirements developed by the Ministry of Education and the Higher Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in order to work in special education.
Additional resources and implementation
In line with articles 18 and 19 of the Law on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, all education facilities will be accessible to children with disabilities, and communities are aware and responsive to the rights of children and the benefits of inclusive education to the society
Timeframe and/or implementation plan
By 2025, the Ministry of Education will increase the enrolment rate of students with disabilities from 5% to at least 10% through establishing 300 new inclusive schools, and renovating 420 schools (1/2 girls’ schools) with accessible facilities, in line with the access requirements of the Jordanian Building Code Requirements for Persons with Disabilities. The Ministry of Education will collaborate with other Ministries and interested stakeholders including the private sector, to develop a transportation plan that supports the most vulnerable to access the public education system, in line with the national 10-year inclusive education and accessibility plans.