Government of Bangladesh’s Committement in the Global Disablity Summit 2018
- The Government of Bangladesh has drafted a new National Plan of Action to implement the Disability Rights and Protection Act 2013, which is line with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. We will soon announce the launching date of this action plan, which will highlight the key strategic priorities to be undertaken as per the National Law.
- Bangladesh has developed a 5 year National Strategic Plan for Neuro-Developmental Disorder 2016-2021. The government is committed to implement this strategic plan that has outlined 112 objectives and highlighted 190 activities for the stated period.
- Commitment to eliminate stigma and discrimination is being declared on a regular basis, while observing various international days from the highest quarter of the state.
- A real time Disability Survey System has been established by the Ministry of Social Welfare, which has developed a live website active for 24 hrs, which till date has identified approximately 1.57million (4thJuly 2018) persons with disablities, facing different types of disabilities like autism, physical disability, intellectual disability, visual disability, vocal disability, cerebral palsy and others. In addition to this system, the government receives data from National Census, the Health and Morbidity Status Survey and Education Household Survey (EHS). The government is committed to undertake a comprehensive disability survey, which will generate a more detailed understanding of disability, and signal a strong commitment to improving data.
- The Government of Bangladesh is committed to empower the Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs) to have a stronger voice in shaping the policies that affect them. For this, the DPOs are given various types of facilities in relation to inclusion of their representatives in different committees irrespective of welfare or planning or policy making meetings.
- The Government of Bangladesh has established a number of committees and National Coordination Council for co-ordination of the actions of different ministries. A number of policies (such as, inclusive education policy) have been developed to ensure inclusion of the persons with disabilities in every aspects of the society. For effective implementation of the policy commitments, the government is committed to further strengthening the role of these committees.
- The Government of Bangladesh is committed to empower the persons with disabilities by providing special quota in the government services.
- The Neuro Developmental Disabilities Trust (NDD Trust) is working to promote the lifestyle and living condition of the NDD affected PWDs through different activities. The government is committed to further strengthening this support.