The 46th session of the CEDAW Committee took place in New York from July 12-30, 2010.
More information on this session.
Disability-analysis of the relevant reports.
On the basis of the references to persons with disabilities found in State reports, list of issues and written replies, IDA prepared a document with suggested recommendations for the Concluding Observations that will be adopted by the Committee during this session. Thanks to the great work and efforts of Women with Disabilities Australia, which attended the CEDAW Committee meeting in NY, a strong Concluding Observation came out with a particular focus on women with disabilities: “The Committee urges the State party, in the light of its recent ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, to undertake a comprehensive assessment of the situation of women with disabilities in Australia. The Committee recommends that the State party address, as a matter of priority, the abuse and violence experienced by women with disabilities living in institutions or supported accommodation. The Committee further recommends that the State party adopt urgent measures to ensure that women with disabilities are better represented in decision-making and leadership positions, including through the adoption of temporary special measures such as quotas and targets, in accordance with article 4, paragraph 1 of the Convention and the Committee’s general recommendation No. 25. The Committee recommends that the State party enact national legislation prohibiting, except where there is a serious threat to life or health, the use of sterilisation of girls, regardless of whether they have a disability, and of adult women with disabilities in the absence of their fully informed and free consent”.
Pre-Sessional Working Group
The Pre-sessional Working Group for the 48th session took place from 2nd to 6th August 2010, in New York. The Working Group considered reports from Algeria, Bangladesh, Belarus, Israel, Kenya, Liechtenstein, Sri Lanka and South Africa. Detailed disability analysis of these report and IDA´s suggested questions for the list of issues.