The 47th session of the CEDAW Committee took place from 4-22 October 2010.
More information on this session.
Disability analysis of the relevant reports and IDA’s recommendations for Concluding Observations.
General Recommendations
The CEDAW Committee during its 47th session, adopted two General Recommendations: General Recommendation no 27 on Older women and protection of their human rights and General Recommendation no 28 on the Core Obligations of States Parties under Article 2 of the CEDAW. With respect to General Recommendation no 27, IDA made a submission to the CEDAW Committee with several suggestions to include and address older women with disabilities. As a result, this General Recommendation serves as a strong instrument on the rights of older women with disabilities. General Recommendation no 27 and General Recommendation no 28, which include several references to women with disabilities.
Pre-Sessional Working Group
From 25-29 October 2010, the CEDAW Committee held a pre-sessional working group for the 49th session on the following states parties coming under review: Costa Rica, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Italy, Republic of Korea, Nepal, Singapore, and Zambia. IDA’s suggested questions for the list of issues and disability analysis of the states parties’ reports.