- February 23, 2021

On 23 February, UN Women and the International Disability Alliance (IDA) kicked off the first webinar of a series that will discuss the Intersectionalities Toolkit with IDA's Community of Practice and other allies. 
The UN Women, through its Disability Inclusion and Intersectionality Portfolio (hereinafter ‘DIIP’), is leading and managing a project to design and deliver an Intersectionality Toolkit that provides conceptual clarity, practical guidance and case studies that inform practice for UNCTs and Government programming processes supporting work that is more inclusive of, and responsive to, diverse people with disabilities. 
The project aims to model an intersectional approach and promote the leadership of and accountability to diverse people with disabilities in the design, development and testing of the toolkit itself. 
The purpose of this collaboration with IDA, members and their Community of Practice (COP) is to create a relationship where a pool of diverse people with disabilities can be called upon to provide advice and feedback throughout the process of toolkit development. 

This will eventually: 

  1. model an intersectional approach to resource development that may be applied in other contexts;
  2. strengthen relationships between UN agencies and the disability movement, and
  3. ensure that the Toolkit itself is practical, targeted and informed by the realities and priorities of those who experience intersecting and multiple forms of discrimination.

  • For further information, contact rgalarza [at] 
  • Learn more about Women and Girls with Disabilities Flagship here.

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