UN Treaty Bodies often tackle the explicitly and issue recommendations on the rights of persons with disabilities in the context of their reviews of State implementation of the different UN Human Rights Treaties and the adoption of their Concluding Observations.
This might be the result of the participation of national organizations of persons with disabilities in those processes, claiming their rights and raising those issues. Or, in some cases, this is also due to the fact that the given Treaty includes a provision related to persons with disabilities such as Article 23 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child – which is on children with disabilities.
Important! IDA limits itself to compiling the relevant extracts where there are explicit references to “disability” or “persons with disabilities” and organizing them in a document per session for each of the Treaty Bodies to raise awareness about the work and recommendations of Treaty Bodies on the rights of persons with disabilities. This means that:
1) The content provided has been developed by the UN Treaty Bodies; and
2) While most of the recommendations by UNTBs are compatible with the CRPD, there might still be very few cases where the recommendations are not.
Click on each Treaty Body to find the Disability Relevant Extracts from its Concluding Observations: