This is a compilation of FAQs relating to the Bridge CRPD-SDGs initiative, which came from questions raised by IDA and IDDC members and other partners.
While all efforts have been made to keep this document updated, since the Bridge CRPD-SDGs Training Initiative is evolving, there may be changes to the programme based on the results of evaluations and feedback from participants.
For further information please contact the Bridge CRPD-SDG Coordinator, Alradi Abdalla at aabdalla [at]
For IDDC members, please, also contact the IDDC Coordinator, Angelique Hardy at coordinator [at]
Purpose: respond to common questions raised on BRIDGE CRPD-SDG training initiative; enable access to information via practical questions easy to update, complementary to the more comprehensive presentation of BRIDGE CRPD-SDGs – to be posted on the IDA/or IDDC website – BRIDGE CRPD-SDGs section.
Questions: the basis comes from questions raised by IDA and IDDC members, and other partners.
DISCLAIMER: BRIDGE CRPD-SDG is an evolving initiative and while the main elements are agreed, some details present in this FAQ might be revised by the end of 2017, particularly related to learning from the planned evaluation.
About the Bridge CRPD-SDG Training Initiative
1 What is the Bridge CRPD-SDG Training Initiative?
Bridge CRPD-SDGs is an intensive training programme that aims to support organisations of persons with disabilities (OPDs) and disability rights advocates to develop an inclusive (all persons with disabilities) and comprehensive (all human rights) CRPD perspective on development, including the post-2015 agenda and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to reinforce their advocacy for inclusion and realisation of the rights of all persons with disabilities.
2 Who developed this Training Initiative?
The Bridge CRPD-SDGs Training Initiative was begun as a joint initiative by the International Disability Alliance (IDA) and the International Disability and Development Consortium (IDDC). It is a coordinated training investment, drawing from the resources and experiences of IDA and IDDC networks and their members, in particular the Training of Trainers, Advocates and Leaders (ToTAL) and the work before the UN Treaty Bodies and the Universal Periodic Review, from IDA, and the Training of Trainers on Inclusive Facilitation (ToTIF), from IDDC. Over the years, it was also supported by the Disability Rights Fund (DRF), Ford Foundation, the UK National Lottery Community Fund, Bridging the Gap Project, among others.
3 Who gets trained in the Bridge CRPD-SDGs Training Initiative?
The intended target audience for the initiative are representatives of organisations (and networks) of persons with disabilities and other organizations working on the rights of persons with disabilities within the scheme of inclusive and sustainable development, particularly from the global south.
4 Do we really need another programme to train persons with disabilities?
Both IDA and IDDC believe that this initiative is unique as it evolved as a response from the international disability community itself – and is truly by, for and of persons with disabilities. Over the last decade, disability groups have been exposed to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and the notion of inclusive development, “leaving no one behind”. Both instruments were negotiated with the strong representation from persons with disabilities and their organizations, and are path breaking in terms of the window of opportunities they present.
There is a significant gap between State’s commitments and deliveries. This is not new. Other groups of marginalized people also experience this. However, they have been able to acquire the skills to make more effective advocacy interventions. Persons with disabilities have historically been excluded from this kind of skill development and many have faced barriers to education.
The Initiative adopts an integrated approach to bridge human rights and inclusive development perspectives. It aims to support OPDs to translate the highest aspirations, norms and standards to full and effective participation and inclusion of all, in the reality of resource-constrained environments, inadequate governance, competing agendas, and politics at both national and local levels.
The curriculum is also built to support OPDs to make the most of the SDGs momentum, to further implement the CRPD and use the CRPD to frame implementation of the SDGs. It does not intend to replace the diversity of training modules of various lengths or focus that exist around CRPD and disability-inclusive development (e.g. Community Based Rehabilitation, Disability-Inclusive Development, Disability Equality Training). Rather, it aims to develop a common understanding of key messages and skills for experienced OPD advocates to engage more efficiently in CRPD promotion and monitoring.
5 Don’t all advocates already know the CRPD in and out? The CRPD has been around for more than a decade now.
The observations of IDA and IDDC, which comprises of significant representation from OPDs, including those in the Global South, shows that there is a remaining disconnect between the obligations set by the CRPD and how OPDs perceive and experience the reality at national and local levels.
While many of them are well aware of CRPD provisions, the rights-based approach often take a backseat when confronted with the reality of their day-to-day advocacy.
The CRPD is often perceived as an unattainable ideal, while we know that there are efforts to make the right real. Some aspects of the CRPD, like accessibility, are more accepted than concepts like “reasonable accommodation” and “legal capacity”. And often, advocates are confronted with excuses from the Government, for instance, as the lack of resources, to take steps to progressively realize many of the rights under the Convention.
The other reality is that while the Convention is for all persons with all disabilities, many persons with disabilities are still represented by caregivers, parent or professionals, which excludes them from the very front of the process. Thus, there is a need to develop a training to support OPDs implement the CRPD in letter and in spirit, to ensure no one is left behind.
6 How many cycles have been organized already?
This table highlights the cycles conducted so far:
2015 to 2016
Cycle South East Asia - English with simultaneous interpretation
Cycle Latin America - Spanish
Cycle Great Lakes - French
Cycle Indonesia (with East Timor) - Bahasa with simultaneous interpretation
2016 - 2020
Training of Trainers, Modules A and B - English, French, Portuguese
2016 to 2017
Cycle Pacific - English with simultaneous interpretation
Cycle East and Western Africa - English
Cycle Uganda - English
2018 - 2019
Cycle Middle East and North Africa - Arabic with simultaneous interpretation
Module 3 - Global pilot on the Art 11 of the CRPD on Situations of Risk and Humanitarian Emergencies – English with simultaneous interpretation into Spanish, Arabic and Bahasa and 4 national sign languages
2019 - 2020
Cycle Tanzania - Swahili with simultaneous interpretation
Cycle South Asia and Laos - English with simultaneous interpretation
About the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training audience and participants
7 Is the training really meant for all persons with all disabilities?
Yes. The programme prioritizes the training of OPDs, and follows Article 1 of the CRPD, specifically “those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments”. Within this, particular consideration is given to people from underrepresented groups like persons with intellectual disabilities, deafblindness, psychosocial disabilities, cerebral palsy, among others that have been hidden and often excluded from active participation in society.
At the same time, and to ensure a good cross disability representation, no one impairment group should exceed 20% of the participants. When relevant according to the context, particular attention should be paid to specific groups, such as people with leprosy, albinism and from ethnical groups.
8 Is this training only open for persons with disabilities?
No, but 80% of participants must be persons with disabilities and OPD representatives. Persons who are being proposed but that are not persons with disabilities or are persons with disabilities but not from OPDs must have a strong connection to rights-based approach for persons with disabilities.
9 I am interested in being trained as a participant. Is there an open call for applications?
Since the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative is generally country- or region-specific, there is no general call for candidates held. But you can either write to the tfleury [at] (Bridge CRPD-SDGs Coordinator) requesting for information about any specific upcoming training in your country or region, or subscribe to the IDA list serve where all calls are systematically published.
10 Who decides who gets to attend a Bridge CRPD-SDG training?
The Task Team of the respective cycle. See further details under Bridge CRPD-SDGs Quality Criteria. The Task Team opens a public and widely circulated call for applications. The basis of selection should be guided by the Bridge CRPD-SDGs Quality Criteria laid down by the Bridge CRPD-SDGs Steering Committee. The selection occurs considering the diverse knowledge and experiences each individual can bring to a particular Bridge CRPD-SDGs cycle, therefore, lived, academic and professional experiences are equally valued. In addition, the relevance of the individual to the overall OPDs movement is also considered. The decision on the selection made by the Task Team has to be validated by the Steering Committee, which will evaluate the profiles of the candidates alongside the Quality Criteria.
11 How do you ensure diversity of participants?
Four (04) criteria have been identified to ensure a diverse group of participants: number, equality between men and women, disability diversity and age distribution.
15 is the minimum number of participants to ensure a basic accepted level of diversity and inclusiveness. It can be challenging to guarantee diversity below this number. 30 is the maximum number of participants advised for a Bridge CRPD-SDGs training cycle. A group of 30 has the advantage of bringing significant diversity and inclusiveness and has excellent movement enhancement potential, but also requires a robust facilitation team and investment. Beyond this number, it would be a challenge to ensure constructive and in-depth discussions and exchange.
Equality between men and women
The sex ratio between men and women should not exceed 60:40. There should also be equality in terms of the distribution of profiles regarding the level of responsibilities and leadership in the disability movement of women and men involved.
Disability diversity
As explained above, disability constituencies should be represented, at the very least including those identified in Article 1 of the CRPD. Any disability constituency cannot represent more than 20% of the participants. Diversity should also include other characteristics relevant according to context such as religion and other minority status, indigenous persons with disabilities, rural/urban, among others.
Age distribution
Based on the first 5 Bridge CRPD-SDGs training cycles, in most regions, it has been observed that active and leading advocates likely to be participants are most often between 30 to 55 years old. It is therefore critical to ensure 25% of youth below 30 years and 10% above 55 years old to highlight issues of youth and elderly persons with disabilities.
12 I don’t feel comfortable nominating a person with deafblindness or intellectual disabilities from our network, or someone that is not literate, because I don’t think they will be able to follow the training.
Please do not let any person’s identity discourage you. All persons with disabilities, literate or not are welcome. The curriculum and facilitation methods are designed to enable the greatest participation particularly from underrepresented groups, respecting different learning styles. You can read about the inclusive facilitation methods here.
13 I think Government officials stand to benefit from this training. Can they attend Bridge CRPD-SDGs?
It would be critical that the Government officials are trained on the CRPD and inclusive fulfilment of the SDGs! However, the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative is centred around building the capacity of OPDs. It is meant to cultivate an area for free discussion, where participants can raise their doubts and share their concerns in a safe space. If a Government representative were in the midst, OPD advocates might hesitate to talk about the difficult issues there may have, or their own doubts about evolving issues. They might even end up being more focused on trying to impress Government officials. This would be detrimental to the overall impact of the programme. However, Bridge CRPD-SDGs Training Initiative alumni have had separate training sessions with Government representatives from their countries wherein they have shared their learning from the programme with them. In coordination with the Bridge Coordinator, and after authorisation, some Bridge CRPD-SDGs alumni have even used some of the Bridge CRPD-SDGs materials to train Government officials.
About organizing a Bridge CRPD-SDGs training
14 We would like to organize a Bridge CRPD-SDG training. What’s the first step?
You may have had a demand from the OPDs that you work with for this training and and/or find that it would add value to the work that they are doing at the regional, national or sub national levels. You also may be an IDA or IDDC member, or organization otherwise supported by these organizations, directly or indirectly, working on the rights of persons with disabilities.
Your starting point should be writing to the tfleury [at] (Bridge CRPD-SDGs Coordinator) that you would like to organize a training in the region or country that you seek to do it in. This will then be placed before the Bridge CRPD-SDGs Steering Committee for approval. You will be requested to present a concept note of your training, with details on the facilitation team, adaptations, accessibility strategy and budget. The entire process is coordinated with the Bridge CRPD-SDGs Coordinator, mandated by the Bridge Steering Committee, and in compliance with the Bridge Quality Criteria.
It is actually ideal to have a group of organizations coming together for this purpose. It helps bring diversity in views and multiple areas to resource from. Most Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiatives so far have involved multiple stakeholders. It is required that at least two of the members of your team are members of IDA or IDDC, or an organization otherwise supported by these organizations. It is also important that your group has a strong DPO representation. This is the initial “task team” of the cycle.
15 Who is “in charge” of a Bridge CRPD-SDG training cycle?
The Task Team of a cycle is in charge of the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training cycle, meaning a Module 1, Module 2 and the assignment and mentoring process. The Steering Committee is mandated to ensure that the quality and outcomes of the training are maintained and will support the Task Team in achieving this. Some of the ways in which the Steering Committee will support the task Team is supporting costing and planning.
It definitely helps to have a Task Team leader agreed on to be the sole point of contact between the task team and the Steering Committee. The roles of each member of the Task Team, the leader and other members, will be defined in the Bridge Partnership Protocol established for each cycle.
16 Is there any specific qualification to be a Task Team leader?
Being the Task Team leader is a significant commitment regarding workload and responsibilities over the cycle. There is no qualification as such. The person who is designated as the Task Team leader by the Task Team has to be able to manage all aspects of the role including – coordinating with the Steering Committee, managing the various sources of finance which is contributed for the cycle, overseeing selection of participants and facilitators, etc. The Task Team leader may be the primary financial backer of the cycle or not depending on the agreement within the task team.
17 Is this training country specific, or regional, or do we bring in people from all over the world?
It entirely depends on the organizations that come together to set up the training. The majority of Bridge CRPD-SDGs training cycles have been regional, while some have been national cycles (Indonesia, Uganda, Tanzania), and others global (training of trainers and on Art 11).
One of the great advantages of having a regional cycle, particularly for Modules 1 and 2, is the commonalities in culture and governance that facilitators can build on that shared knowledge. In the programme’s young history, it has been found that regional groups provide the comfort of a shared culture and geography without the contentiousness of politics that may be seen in “national” training programmes. In the future, there are better outcomes because this group can work together on regional advocacy.
However, it is also true that we have received an increased demand to organise national cycles, as it allows participants and facilitators to deep analyse laws, policies, budgets.
All these considerations are made by the Task Team members and the Bridge Steering Committee.
18 Can ‘specific’ Bridge CRPD-SDGs training cycles be organized for a targeted audience (e.g. women with disabilities, indigenous people with disabilities) or for a specific impairment group?
One of the hallmarks of the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative is the cross-disability approach. Bridge CRPD-SDGs trainings are meant to be diverse in terms of participation of persons from varied and underrepresented disability constituencies and gender. Participants learn from each other as much as them learn from the facilitators. OPDs leaders learn to work with peers from the most traditionally excluded groups, while leaders from underrepresented groups also have reported benefits from working with persons across disabilities as equals.
The takeaway for Bridge CRPD-SDGs trainees is that they need to advocate for all human rights for all persons with disabilities. Therefore, holding a Bridge CRPD-SDGs training for a limited interest group may run the risk of perpetuating an ‘echo chamber’. A good diverse representation of persons with disabilities from other marginalized identities is a non-negotiable rule for Bridge CRPD-SDGs.
However, there have been some issues which may need an in-depth approach, for instance, a training specifically dedicated to deaf people made by deaf facilitators, or for self-advocates, these are preparatory trainings before a Bridge CRPD-SDGs module, but not a Bridge CRPD-SDGs as such. In addition, each Bridge cycle has a dedicated day prior to the start of a module to engage with trainees from underrepresented groups to work through critical concepts, as well as issues regarding accessibility, and to prepare support persons and facilitators for the individual support requirements they may have.
Funding a Bridge CRPD-SDGs training cycle
19 We want to hold a Bridge CRPD-SDGs training. Does the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training have a fund we can apply to?
Not as yet. There is no dedicated fund towards the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative nor towards trainings. Except for the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training in Indonesia, which was funded entirely by DRAF, all Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative cycles have been co-funded. Each partner organisation such as IDA, DPOD, CBM and others, fundraise for future Bridge cycles according to respective Task Team’s plans and invest in a common fund that is hosted by the Task Team leader. The Bridge Steering Committee also supports the fundraising of Bridge CRPD-SDGs cycles.
20 How much does it cost to hold a Bridge CRPD-SDGs training cycle?
Costs of trainings depend upon many factors – how many participants, the degree of support and reasonable accommodation that each participant requires, the distance that the participant has to travel to attend the training, the general costs of the location chosen as the venue for the training, and the lack of accessibility at affordable hotels that obliges the choice of a more expensive hotel with more accessible features, among others. However, we can say that in general:
• Per person, both modules: Between 3,000 and3,500 EUR (including travel, accommodation, food, reasonable accommodation, facilitation team, material), with variations depending on the region,
• A module with 60 people involved, including participants, facilitators, personal assistants, captioners, illustrators, sign language interpreters, among others: around 110,000 EUR.
Smaller cycles of 15-20 participants, including national Bridge CRPD-SDG trainings, may cost about half that, considering that travel costs of participants and the facilitation team is consequently also less.
21 Why is it so expensive?
Infrastructural inadequacy increases costs. The reality is that the only hotels that have committed to accessibility and provide for adequate conferencing facilities are those in the premium range and hence the costs of accommodation and other hospitality are high.
Furthermore, service providers such as interpreters, sign language interpreters, captioners and illustrators are extremely expensive - and sometimes even not existent in many countries, which demands the Task Team to travel them in from other countries.
The commitment of each Task Team and the Steering Committee is that there can be maximum participation of persons with disabilities, particularly those from traditionally underrepresented groups. Many of those have been excluded because their accommodation requirements are perceived to be complex. The Bridge CRPD-SDGs Training Initiative seeks to remove the barriers that persons with disabilities face in being exposed to these trainings and hence every effort to ensure accessibility, inclusion and comfort of participants is not only a necessity, but a commitment.
Lastly, an adequately staffed facilitation team is necessary but also involves its own sets of costs.
22 Does an organization or group of organizations need to have full funding commitments before they come with their proposal?
While it is helpful to have a large part of funding identified, before initiating a cycle, IDA and IDDC members are informed of any possibilities to join and support a precise cycle as well as also of opportunities to join the Task Team, in case for instance that they have a precise interest in the region or subject area of the training.
However, a Bridge CRPD-SDGs training cycle will not be validated by the Bridge Steering Committee unless it has full funding for Module 1 and at least 50% funding for Module 2. Contact the tfleury [at] (Bridge CRPD-SDGs Coordinator) for further details.
23 We would like to fund a part of a Bridge CRPD-SDGs training cycle, is that an option?
Yes, in fact, most Bridge CRPD-SDGs training cycles have been co-funded. Co-funding is a preferred mode of funding as it encourages greater ownership and engagement of multiple stakeholders, and may lead to more follow-up support to participants. This may also make your organization a part of the task team. However, it generates a certain level of complexity and multiple funds need to be managed by the task team leader.
24 Since most Bridge CRPD-SDGs cycles are co-funded, who manages the funding?
The overall management of the funding falls to the Task Team leader. The Bridge CRPD-SDGs Partnership Protocol will guide the organization to which the funds should be transferred, the manner in which the fund should be spent, including the standards regarding accessibility and facilitation, as well as audit modalities, reporting, among others.
25 We would like to fund a participant or two, or a particular group of underrepresented groups. Is that an option? We can pay for their expenses directly.
If you are a member of the Task Team, your contribution can be in the way of funding individual participants. It is preferred that you transfer the amount of the contribution to the designated organization that will be the holder (Task Team leader) and the disburser of the funds for the cycle. This will allow for a centralized logistics team to handle all participant expenses. However, you can discuss this with your Task Team while developing the Partnership Protocol. For further details, contact the tfleury [at] (Bridge CRPD-SDGs Coordinator).
About the training curriculum
26 What is the content of a Bridge CRPD-SDG training cycle?
A Bridge CRPD-SDGs cycle is composed of 2 core modules with a set of assignments to complete which complement the learning and put theory into practice:
- Module 1 focuses on the development of knowledge and skills to understand the CRPD and helps participants to start or strengthen analysis on development (including the SDGs) from a CRPD perspective, with emphasis on inclusion and intersectionality,
- Module 2 builds on this understanding and develops skills on how to apply the CRPD to essential development and policy areas from legal harmonisation, budgetary advocacy, inclusive programming and disaggregated data, with the purpose of creating the evidence for policy change,
Between Module 1 and Module 2 participants have a double assignment to
(1) work with peers either at country level, if a regional training, to jointly analyse from a cross disability perspective the human rights and development context in their country/ province, including public policy and legal frameworks to be ready to share with peers in module 2, and
(2) to develop on an individual basis, a draft policy brief analyzing a development issue in their own country from a CRPD perspective. The policy paper should be finalized just after Module 2 to receive the certificate.
Participants are also expected to share with their own organisations and peers learning from the Bridge Modules. Even if this is not directly assessed as part of the assignment, it is a commitment given by the individual participant and the hosting organisation.
27 How long does each module last?
As per the Bridge CRPD-SDGs Training Initiative Quality Criteria, each module lasts 7 days each, with a free evening on the 4th day. There is a period of six months between the modules wherein the participants have to complete the mandatory assignments given to them.
28 Does it have to be two modules? It would be easier to combine them into one. Activists cannot stay away from their work for 2 weeks.
As explained in the question 26, the first module focuses on the CRPD and introduces the SDGs and looking at development from a disability perspective. The second module is meant to look at application of the CRPD to development advocacy. The interim six-month period and the accompanying assignments are meant to hone that knowledge and help the trainee think in the new perspective.
Considering the diversity of participants and the complexity of the content, which is also enriched by additional sessions and inclusive facilitation methodology; packing that much into a single training would be extremely taxing. The design of the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training is very much keeping in mind the practical realities of the curriculum as well as of participants and facilitators.
The Bridge CRPD-SDGs Training Initiative is a joint investment: of resources from leading organizations and of time and energy from trainees and facilitators. The account of alumni demonstrates that it has been worth the efforts.
29 What happens between modules?
As explained in the question 26, between Module 1 and Module 2 participants have an assignment to:
- Develop on an individual basis, a draft policy brief analysing a development issue in their own country from a CRPD perspective,
- For regional Bridge cycles, participants also have to work with peers at country level to jointly analyse from a cross-disability perspective the human rights and development context in their country, including public policy and legal frameworks, to be ready to share with peers in Module 2.
- In a national group, participants may also have the opportunity to prepare and submit a draft reporting on the CRPD and SDGs implementation in their country. The reporting can target a treaty body, the Universal Periodic Review or the Voluntary National Review of the High-level Political Forum.
30 What is requested to participants prior to the training?
In preparation for Module 1, all participants need to carefully read:
- The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) from Preamble to Article 33,
- The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and targets,
- General Comments from the CRPD Committee, thematic studies and reports of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
The task team should ensure the availability of these documents in the language in which the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training is to be conducted in.
31 What are the expected outcomes from the training?
After Module 1, participants should:
- Be familiar with all CRPD articles,
- Have confidence in the CRPD principles,
- Be familiar with the SDGs and have confidence in recognising the linkages between the CRPD and the SDGs, applied to their development contexts / have an understanding of how the CRPD can support disability inclusion in the SDGs,
- Have been exposed to practice inclusive facilitation skills.
After Module 2, participants should:
- Be able to identify core CRPD articles and link them to specific SDGs,
- Be familiar with the laws in their country and with their national development plan,
- Understand public policy and able to identify main blockages and issues in its implementation,
- Be aware of differences between cultural beliefs, social roles and responsibilities considering gender identities and equality between men and women,
- Develop skills on how to influence development actors nationally and regionally for inclusion of persons with disabilities.
The training equips participants to engage in advocacy around the CRPD and for inclusion of persons with disabilities in the SDGs implementation across different public policy areas, including with monitoring of CRPD and SDGs.
They also leave the training with the importance of engaging with other groups of the disability movement, including the most marginalized and underrepresented. The training also provides a platform to engage in further capacity development, advocacy and advisory role at local, national, regional and global levels. They can also use the exposure to the facilitation team to work on building mutual confidence and skills through peer support and mentoring.
32 We do not think everything would be relevant for a Bridge CRPD-SDGs training we have in mind. Can we modify the content?
The Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative is meant to be adaptable so as to ensure that participants receive information and training around the CRPD and inclusive development that is relevant to their context. Any proposed adaptations should be included in the facilitation plan, along with all the elements of the Bridge CRPD-SDGs curriculum and are subject to the approval of the Steering Committee. The facilitation plan needs to ensure that the entire Bridge curriculum needs to be covered by the end of the cycle. The exception is the block of the first three (03) days of Module 1 focused on principles of the CRPD, which has to be delivered as such.
33 Who owns the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative training materials?
The Bridge CRPD-SDGs curriculum has a rich history of evolution, and has been developed based on the learning and experience from IDA and IDDC and their members. Participants have been encouraged to give feedback on the material, which has fed into the materials. A training guidance will be developed in due course, with a concern for maintaining quality based on what has proven effective and inclusive. The Bridge CRPD-SDGs material is an open source material that can be used with agreement from the Bridge Steering Committee with clear acknowledge of the source.
34 Do I need to apply for permission to use the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative training materials in my home country trainings?
The steering committee is currently exploring a Creative Commons license for Bridge CRPD-SDG training materials, with conditions such as acknowledgement of IDA and IDDC co-authorship. Using the materials from a Bridge CRPD-SDGs training module does not make a training a “Bridge CRPD-SDGs training”. This requires the full Bridge CRPD-SDG process of quality criteria, task team development, partnership protocol, etc. being followed.
About the training methodology
35 How do you ensure that such a diverse group of people get to follow the training?
The emphasis of the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative is to promote an enabling environment where all participants can learn together, and from each other. Therefore, the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative curriculum, the delivery and the scheduling, all reflect that. The materials that are prepared for the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative are all designed to be in plain language. A variety of pedagogies are used to appeal to all kinds of learners. A day of training is interspersed with comfortable breaks wherein participants, facilitators and support persons can get refreshed and feel rested. This includes an extended break for lunch. The Training of Trainer programme includes a dedicated portion on inclusive facilitation to ensure that no one is left behind, and the facilitation team, particularly the trainers, must have a background in inclusive facilitation.
The Task Team, in consultation with the Lead Trainer, needs to present an inclusive facilitation plan that must be approved by the Steering Committee. The facilitation team is to be finalized after understanding the accessibility and reasonable accommodation needs of the selected participants.
36 I understand the way in which the overall course is designed, but we have a participant with an intellectual disability and I think they might need a little more individualized support
Universal design does not preclude the need for individualized supports. Many participants require support persons to help them better understand the trainings. These may be sign language interpreters, but through the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative we have seen a variety of support measures used successfully including:
- Cartoonists/illustrators for persons with learning disabilities
- Captioners for persons who are hard of hearing
- Quiet areas for persons with psychosocial disabilities
- A combination of language translators and sign language interpretation to enable deaf participants using different sign languages to communicate with each other
When a participant is contacted for the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative they are asked for details regarding their reasonable accommodation requirements. Many participants are aware of their accessibility needs, but for many underrepresented groups they may have never been asked this question. If required, this can also be a facilitated process. In addition, the daily feedback process keeps the facilitation team updated on accessibility needs which may not have been addressed or which may arise at the venue.
37 How can participants access learning resources for the trainings?
Efforts are made to ensure that all participants are given the presentations that are relied upon by the trainers. All material produced in the frame of Bridge CRPD-SDGs will be under creative common license. In addition, other learning materials may be circulated for additional reading.
38 Is there a mentorship programme?
Yes. In the course of completion of the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training cycle (in the six month period between the trainings, and till the completion of the policy paper) each participant will be designated to a mentor from amongst the facilitation team. The mentor will guide them on the requirements for their assignments and help clarify any doubts they may have. From past experience the involvement of mentors depends largely on the participant’s needs. This has ranged from intensive mentorship (supporting design and delivery of required training, technical support of part of the regular work of the participants) to quasi or limited mentorship, to some participants taking on a more active peer mentoring of fellow participants.
Conducting a Bridge CRPD - SDGs training
39 Who actually conducts the training?
A facilitation team delivers the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training cycle. The lead trainer is responsible for the overall pedagogic management of the training. They are assisted by:
- A co-trainer
- Co-facilitators
- Resource persons
- Support persons
- Participant contact persons
- Consultants
- Observers
As to who delivers which segment of the training, this depends on what the facilitation team decides.
40 Is the task team leader the lead trainer?
Not necessarily. We need to remember that the task team leader is managing a lot and the role of the lead trainer is an entirely different responsibility. The two individuals will coordinate among each other e.g. they may have to discuss logistics and reasonable accommodation requirements. But the lead trainer does not have to be the decision maker in terms of budget.
Ultimately it is the decision of the task team in consultation with the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative Steering Committee.
41 What is the role of the lead trainer?
The lead trainer is responsible for the overall pedagogic management of the training. They guarantee the pedagogic quality and inclusiveness of the training by:
- Adapting the curriculum to context
- Ensuring consistency and flow within and across modules
- Managing the facilitation team
- Ultimately making decisions in case of non-consensus within facilitation team
- Ensuring feedback including by debriefing the Bridge CRPD-SDGs Coordinator with the objective of continuous improvement of the Bridge CRPD-SDGs curriculum and tools (sharing of lessons learned, challenges, new tools developed, evaluation of participants, among others)
- Supporting the Task Team in preparing a final report of the training to be submitted to the BSC.
42 What is the role of the co-trainer?
The co-trainer is meant to be an “understudy” for the lead trainer. In case the lead trainer is unable to fulfil their role because of any issue, the co-trainer will step in. It is therefore very important for the co-trainer and the lead trainer to work closely together to ensure that they are both following the pedagogy of the training. Of course, beyond this, the co-trainer may be tasked with delivering certain sessions or modules of the training.
43 What are the roles of co-facilitators?
Co-facilitators are meant to support the delivery of sessions. They may also be meant to support some groups of participants. They are different to support persons, however, who are meant to work with specific participants.
44 Who are resource persons, and what do they do during the training?
Resource persons are experts who attend the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training and enrich the training experience. They typically have some particular expertise, such as particular articles of the CRPD (e.g. an expert on legal capacity advocacy under Article 12) a UN monitoring mechanism or a precise subject e.g. shelters in humanitarian situations. For context, resource persons in previous Bridge cycles have been members of the CRPD Committee. It’s not necessary that every Bridge CRPD-SDGs training cycle has a resource person but it may be useful in a specific context.
A resource person follows an entire Module of a cycle, not necessarily both Modules, depending on the how relevant their expertise is to the cycle. They may not conduct or facilitate sessions, but input on it, provide comments and feedback and are available to support the Facilitation Team and participants.
45 What role do support persons play during the training, and who identifies and appoints them?
Support persons are meant to enable the participation of a specific participant. This is usually seen for participants who are deaf or hard of hearing, participants with learning or intellectual disabilities, and deafblind participants. One participant may have multiple support persons e.g. two interpreters, or an interpreter and a personal assistant. Usually, the participant will indicate who their support persons are. In the case of sign language interpreters, the participant may provide information as to the sign language of their choice and/or preferred agency. Sometimes the participant may not express a preference, for example, for a captioner, or for an illustrator. The task team will have to find the most appropriate person to provide the support.
46 We would like to propose a participant with a support person who is also a DPO advocate. We think the ‘support person’ can also benefit from the training.
A support person is not a participant. Their role is to facilitate a participant’s participation. While they may benefit from being in the room and following the discussions, they will not be eligible for receiving the certification as a Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative participant nor will they be eligible for any further trajectory.
The facilitation team plans out a training keeping in mind the number of participants, for example, availability of materials and for group exercises. An additional person participating may upset this balance and preparation.
47 What is the role of the participant contact persons?
In the lead up to a Bridge CRPD-SDGs training module, some groups may be better served by having a contact person who can be the focal point for the facilitation team, or the appointed mentor, to help understand accessibility and reasonable accommodation requirements and to follow up on assignments. This contact person should be appointed by the participant(s) themselves.
48 What kinds of consultants are engaged as part of the facilitation team?
When there are adaptations required in the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training modules on account of language or target audience, the facilitation team may benefit by engaging a consultant. Areas where consultancy may be required includes adaptation in methodology of a particular Bridge cycle, adaptation of material or in the delivery of the training due to some precise competence or language required.
49 Who gets to be an observer?
The Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative has generated a lot of interest among partners and IDA IDDC members. Often, organizations would like to see the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative in action while planning their own, or while considering opportunities to send their representatives or fund a Bridge CRPD-SDGs cycle.
Observation is not a training opportunity. Most typically, observers join Bridge CRPD-SDGs Module for a limited time to, understand the process with the aim of providing support to future Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative cycles. Observers need to have the spirit of full engagement with both the group of trainers and participants.
It is at the discretion of the task team and the lead trainer to grant access and brief the observers in the appropriate protocol.
50 Who chooses the facilitation team?
The task team for a particular Bridge CRPD-SDGs training cycle chooses the Facilitation team. In this, they are supported by the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee ensures that the composition of the facilitation team should also be in line with the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative quality criteria to ensure diversity among facilitators as well. The Steering Committee can also support the Task team in finding suitable candidates as trainers, co facilitators and other members of the team.
51 How do you ensure that the people conducting the training are the best people for the job?
The Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative has developed a criterion for qualifications for trainers and facilitators. This ensures uniformity in expectations.
Both the lead trainer and the co-trainer should have:
- Outstanding knowledge of either CRPD or inclusive development and policies, as well as solid knowledge of the other one,
- Between the two of them, they should have outstanding knowledge of both. The idea is that all key topics should be covered by the leading team,
- Outstanding facilitation skills, and as a team they need to have great inclusive facilitation skills,
- They must have completed the two (02) modules of Bridge CRPD-SDGs Training of Trainers (ToT) and related assignments as well as having benefitted from mentoring and having mentored Bridge CRPD-SDGs participants.
- The co-trainer should have been involved in the delivery of at least one full Bridge CRPD-SDG training cycle as a co facilitator.
- The lead trainer should have been involved in the delivery of one full Bridge CRPD-SDG training as co-trainer.
52 I have completed ToTAL in 2013 and have trained extensively in my home country. Can I become a lead trainer for a Bridge CRPD-SDGs training cycle?
It’s amazing that a person with your experience would like to be a part of the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative. We encourage you to tfleury [at] (write to the Bridge CRPD-SDGs Coordinator). Your trajectory within the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative will begin after you are invited to attend a Bridge CRPD-SDGs training cycle as a co-facilitator in order to get a feel of the course as has evolved. After this, you may be considered eligible for appointment as a co-trainer in the process.
53 Do trainers and facilitators have to be Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative alumni?
Alumni who pass through the Training of Trainers initiative are eligible to be co-facilitators on a Bridge CRPD-SDGs training cycle. The ToT process is tailored to ensure that by the end of the process each trainee is in a position to be a Bridge CRPD-SDGs co-facilitator. However there are other trajectories possible within the ToT process. A candidate may be considered for the role of a co-facilitator of a Bridge CRPD-SDGs training cycle even if they have:
- Successfully completed a full Bridge CRPD-SDG cycle as participant, and completing at least one of the ToT modules, having benefitted from mentoring as well as mentoring some participants,
- Successfully completed a full IDA ToTAL cycle (Training of Trainers, Advocates and Leaders), and participated as co-facilitator, observer or support person in at least one Bridge Module, mentoring and supporting some participants,
- Actively engaged in a UN monitoring mechanism review supporting national DPOs, and having participated as co-facilitator, observer or support person in at least one Bridge Module, mentoring and supporting some participants,
- Been a key resource person for the underrepresented group, proposed by an IDA or IDDC member, who passed through both ToT modules while waiting for a Bridge cycle to act as a co-facilitator or resource person for underrepresented groups.
54 We’d like to send an observer to training, is that possible?
The discretion to allow for an observer and the terms and conditions within which this is allowed depends on the task team, the lead trainer and the steering committee. The observer will be briefed on the protocol, if any, and will have to respect that.
55 Is there an ideal facilitator – participant ratio?
The facilitation team should gather all the skills required to deliver the content of the curriculum with great inclusive facilitation ensuring optimal participation of all participants.
For that reason, each module would comprise the following numbers:
- up to 15 participants, there is a need of at least 3 team members (not counting resource persons)
- 15-20 participants, there is a need of 4 team members (not counting resource persons)
- 20-25 participants, there is a need of 5 team members (not counting resource persons)
- 25-30 participants, there is a need of 6 team members (not counting resource persons).
56 I’ve completed both modules of the Bridge CRPD-SDG training, can I be a lead trainer?
You may be considered to be a co-facilitator if the circumstances require it, however to be considered to be a trainer you should complete the ToT process. Please be in touch with the IDA/IDDC member which proposed you and request them to propose your name during the next ToT cycle.
57 Do candidates get a certificate when they complete the course?
Yes. This depends on the candidate having not only attended both modules, but also having completed the assignments that are a part of the training, under the mentorship of the person who had been assigned to them.
The training of trainers of the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative
58 How are candidates selected for the Training of Trainers?
Candidates are selected from amongst the pool of candidates who have completed Modules 1 and 2 of the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative. In certain cases, particularly where candidates have equivalent qualifications in the opinion of the Steering Committee, this requirement may be waived.
Not every participant of the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training will go on to the Training of Trainers, nor is this necessary to become a better advocate. Some may prefer specializing in any of the areas of advocacy and may receive support from the facilitation team of their Bridge CRPD-SDGs training cycle in doing so.
59 What kind of training is given to candidates in the training of training?
The Training of Trainers is also imparted in two modules.
Module A focuses on deepening the understanding the CRPD and inclusive development as well as analyzing some key development issues from a CRPD perspective.
Module B focuses on public policy, CRPD and SDGs implementation in different country contexts; applying this understanding and analysis via the diverse advocacy routes (legal harmonization, budgetary advocacy, litigation, data collection, among others).
The ToT process is tailored to ensure that by the end of the process each trainee is in a position to be a Bridge CRPD-SDGs co-facilitator. This is an intensive process needed to develop the comprehensiveness and depth required for delivering trainings like Bridge CRPD-SDGs. Any certified Bridge CRPD-SDGs facilitator will be in position to deliver multiple level of CRPD and SDGs related training of different lengths to different audiences.
60 Why are there two Modules? Does a candidate have to do both modules?
As explained in the context of the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training modules, the pacing and content of the training is designed to ensure maximum participation of disabled participants. In addition, since this is training of trainers who will be mentoring DPO leaders engaging in global advocacy in development, including processes around the CRPD and SDGs, it is important to ensure their exposure to such events.
ToT A historically takes place in Geneva, in late February or early March, to coincide with the March session of the CRPD Committee. This allows great exposure of trainees to the Committee’s work, and meetings with relevant UN mechanisms, such as special rapporteurs, as well as UN agency and NGO officers who are Geneva-based. Module B, which is more around SDGs and other aspects of development, is hosted either in the Global South or in the North but linked to some global event in which persons with disabilities need to have their voices heard. For instance, ToT B 2018 was organized to coincide with the World Data Forum, in Dubai. In 2017, it was meant to overlap with the Financing for Development Conference, in Ethiopia. It can be in any place or during any relevant event decided by the responsible Task Team. So it is not just two modules, it is also facilitated exposure to two different events of importance.
Some participants have been exempted from a ToT Module for having experience and exposure that the Bridge CRPD-SDGs Steering Committee has considered to be adequate and sufficient to ensure their quality as trainers and co-facilitators. It is desirable that they attend a module that exposes them to inclusive facilitation.
61 Are participants of the Training of Trainers course trained in inclusive facilitation methods?
Yes. A 3-day curriculum has been developed aimed at building the capacity of trainers with disabilities and development actors to gain confidence in inclusive training and facilitation skills, as a core foundation in promoting greater awareness on disability inclusive development. Participants learn from each other’s experiences and work directly with the training materials developed to ensure their grasp on the enabling environment and the support and accommodations measures in place. This is usually imparted as part of Module B of the ToT course.
62 What happens after the training?
As part of the Training of Trainers process, participants are expected to:
- Participate as co-facilitator in a full cycle of Bridge CRPD-SDGs (2X 7 days),
- Write a policy paper on a key CRPD-SDGs topic,
- Get active involvement in submission for treaty bodies, UPR or HLPF country review,
- Provide distance support on technical mentoring for 18 months.
63 How many training of trainer programmes have taken place so far?
There have been 5 Training of Trainers held so far:
- April 2016: Training of Trainers in Geneva, Module A, (5 days, 15 participants) facilitated by IDA, and involvement of DPOD, SSI, CBM and DRF
- June 2016: Training of Trainers in Washington, Module B, (5 days, 10 participants)
- September/October 2017: Training of Trainers in Brighton, Module B (8 days, 11 countries, 16 participants), facilitated by IDA, and involvement of SSI, CBM and DRF
- February 2018: Training of Trainers in Geneva, Module A (6 days, 9 countries, 10 participants)
- October 2018: Training of Trainers Module B, in Dubai (10 days, 12 countries, 12 participants)
Evaluating the impact of the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training
64 How do you know if participants are following the training programme and understanding all of the training and concepts explained?
The Bridge CRPD-SDGs training modules have developed a method of internal and continuous evaluation of the programme by the participants themselves, which runs during the course of the programme on a daily basis. This involves several innovations, for instance:
A ‘moodometer’ on which participants mark their mood, with comments if they want, at the end of each day
A feedback mechanism where two designated participants will collate feedback from the participants at the end of the day for the facilitation team
Feedback forms meant to be filled at the end of each day and at the end of the module for evaluation of the team
During the training, participants are encouraged to raise coloured cards if they need the facilitator or trainer in question to stop, or slow down, or if they have a question. In addition, facilitators may spend a little more time working with underrepresented groups and their support persons for their specific feedback.
65 Have the overall impacts and outcomes of the programme been measured?
In terms of quantitiative data, the programme has reached 700 people in 92 countries. 75% of facilitators are persons with disabilities themselves, and 40% of participants and facilitators are from underrepresented groups. In terms of impacting intersectionalities, 59% of participants and facilitators are women.
In terms of qualitiative data, at present, we only have statements by Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative alumni regarding the impact of the programme. Many have reported better grasp over concepts, regional cooperation, more effective participation in UN monitoring processes and engagement with the SDGs, and a few alumni have benefitted from career developments which they attribute directly to the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative.
An external evaluation process of the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative is currently underway.
66 Are there are other benefits for Bridge alumni who have completed the course?
Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative alumni keep in touch with each other through listservs and whatsapp groups, which ensure that they are able to share experiences and opportunities which they may encounter. Increasingly, opportunities for consultancies being offered by IDA and IDDC members are expressing a stated preference for Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative alumni. The Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative also offers a fellowship opportunity to assist the Bridge CRPD-SDGs Coordinator.
67 Is there any other kind of specialization possible within the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative?
As of now, there is nothing being offered by the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative, however other training opportunities to hone skills around specialized areas like legal harmonization, data advocacy, budget advocacy and litigation are being considered. There may also be specialized Bridge CRPD-SDGs training cycles, referred to as “Module 3” around specialized areas.
On Governance
68 Is there an overseeing body for the Bridge CRPD-SDG training initiative?
Yes. This is called the Bridge CRPD-SDGs Steering Committee. It comprises of membership and representation from IDA, IDDC (including representation from the IDDC DPO Task Group) and DRAF. It is supported by the Bridge CRPD-SDGs Coordinator, who is from IDA, who is in turn supported by the Bridge CRPD-SDGs fellows.
69 Who is on the Bridge Steering Committee?
As of September 2019, the Committee comprises of:
From IDA:
- Ana Lucia Arellano, IDA Chair
- Yannis Vardakastanis, IDA treasurer
- Vladimir Cuk, IDA’s Executive Director, all supported by Priscille Geiser, IDA Program Manager.
From IDDC:
- Dominic Haslam, IDDC Chair
- Yetnebersh Nigussie, Light for the World and co-chair of the IDDC DPO Task Group
- Kathy Al Ju’beh, CBM, all supported by Angelique Hardy, IDDC Coordinator.
70 What role does the Steering Committee play?
The Steering Committee is responsible for ensuring that all trainings that are conducted under the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative adhere to the quality and standards regarding curriculum, facilitation and diversity in participation that the training initiative has come to represent. While the aim is to have Bridge CRPD-SDGs alumni and their DPOs take ownership of the delivery of the training initiative, the Steering Committee plays the role of ensuring consistency and quality of the programme, and also to support the task teams by enabling their access to the wider IDA-IDDC and Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative alumni networks. The Steering Committee also works towards creating awareness of the Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative and promoting it within the global networks. It also works towards developing sustainability of the initiative through strengthening alumni networks and seeking resources.
71 How does this body make sure there’s no dilution of the quality of Bridge trainings?
The Bridge CRPD-SDGs Steering Committee has established a Bridge CRPD-SDGs Coordination Team for the effective and quality implementation, development and monitoring of the Bridge CRPD-SDGs Initiative. The Bridge CRPD-SDGs training initiative is in the process of crystalizing quality control related documents, including related to quality criteria for participants and facilitation teams, curriculum standardization, enabling environment and other concerns. The Coordination team facilitates the monitoring of the task teams for fulfilment of all these criteria.
72 We have a job opening for which we think the Bridge CRPD-SDGs Training Initiative alumni will be ideal. Is there a database to find out who has been trained already?
The Bridge CRPD-SDGs Coordination keeps a solid and detailed database of all Bridge alumni. However, considering the respect for data protection and privacy, it was decided by the Bridge Steering Committee that it will not be widely circulated.
If any organisation wishes to reach out to the Bridge CRPD-SDGs alumni, please send your request to the tfleury [at] (Bridge CRPD-SDGs Coordinator) and your request will be forwarded to the relevant networks.