- June 26, 2023

The inclusion of persons with disabilities from the start of a comprehensive refugee response is recognized in the Global Compact on Refugees as an essential element of protecting and assisting refugees and host communities. As part of their strategic collaboration, IDA and UNHCR are working to ensure a more disability-inclusive Global Refugee Forum.

As part of their work, IDA and UNHCR have created a pledging guidance, summarizing the main priorities expressed by refugees, asylum seekers and stateless persons with disabilities, and organizations of persons with disabilities, in the development of pledges for the upcoming Global Refugee Forum in December 2023. 

The guidance can be downloaded in English here.

In French here.

In Spanish here

In Arabic here.

A video in International Sign interpretation about the guidance is available here.  

IDA and UNHCR organized the first Global Consultation to advocate for disability-inclusive pledges on June 22. The recording of the meeting is available in English here.

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