UNICEF Report on the State of the World's Children 2013
The Rights of Children with Disabilities
30 May 2013- The International Disability Alliance welcomes the report by UNICEF on the State of the World's Children 2013 as launched today in Vietnam. The situation of children with disabilities has long been a priority to the disability movement and organizations worldwide. The launch of UNICEF’s report will serve as a recognition of the responsibility that the future cannot be planned without all the children, including children with disabilities.
Children with disabilities are particularly vulnerable and discriminated against. They are invisible in the society. The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities guides the interpretation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child with regards to children with disabilities. Accordingly the CRPD recognizes that particular focus should be put on children with disabilities in order to guarantee their right to be included in society. This includes elements such as the recognition of the evolving capacities of children, the right to live in the community and right to live in family (not in an institution) and the right to an inclusive education.
IDA congratulates that UNICEF clearly identified what needs to be done and made it to the objective of the report to put children with disabilities on the development agenda and to include them in national policies. The recommendations formulated by the report are based on inclusiveness in accordance with the principle of the CRPD. IDA applauds that the report was based on a wide-ranging consultations with a number of United Nations actors, civil society and individuals.
Yannis Vardakastanis, Chair of IDA said: “The report is a significant achievement. It is now time to direct urgent attention to the report’s recommendations. IDA will support UNICEF in its efforts and will encourage DPO’s and Member States to play their part too. UNICEF is a clear leader in the implementation of the CRPD as it pertains to children with disabilities. IDA particularly recognizes the work of the Senior Advisor on Disability, Rosangela Berman Bieler and her Team undertaken during this process and considers their work as an outstanding example of how UN agencies can promote the rights of persons with disabilities in their work. IDA believes that UNICEF is playing a leading role among UN agencies in paving the way towards a disability-inclusive UN.”
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