Commit to use the Washington Group questions 
In 2013, people with disabilities in Senegal represent 797,014 inhabitants and represent 5.9% of the total population. This census used the method of the Washington Group provided disaggregated data on disability. As part of the implementation of the Equal Opportunities Card program, Senegal has adopted a national instrument for measuring disability that also facilitates the collection of statistical data on disability. 

Timeframe and/or implementation plan
Timeframe of the Program of the Equal Opportunity Card 2017 to 2021 in coherence in the long term with the timeframe of the Emerging Senegal Plan set at 2035.

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Commitment theme: Year:

Republic of Senegal Ministry of Health and Social Action

The Republic of Senegal Ministry of Health and Social Action, under the authority of the Prime Minister, prepares and implements the policy defined by the Head of State in the field of health
