Commit to use the Washington Group questions
We will put the individual and their needs at the heart of our Monitoring Systems and will be able to track and understand our impact on all new people to Lepra as individuals. We will focus on their journey and track their experience by using unique identifying codes. We will use the Washington Group Questions, including the extended set for mental health, in our Core Beneficiary Survey across all our programmes to obtain data disaggregated by gender and disability, including mental health disabilities.

Timeframe and/or implementation plan 
We will measure, analyse and document the impact of all our activities and the lessons learned. All programme interventions, regardless of the source of funding, will have clearly stated, SMART objectives and a defined implementation cycle, with monitoring and evaluation mechanisms and interventions identified at the outset. Baselines surveys will be conducted for all new interventions. Clear mechanisms, tools and protocols will be in place for capturing, sharing and storing learning and best practice. We will develop and utilise innovative technologies to collect and analyse live data. When relevant, we will document and publish our work through appropriate internal channels and in relevant external publications and forums.

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We are a UK-based international charity working to beat leprosy.

NGO - International