Policy, standards and regulations
The principle of inclusion rules the attention to the students with special educational needs. The students with disabilities are inside the school and they benefit of personal schooling projects made by the educational team (tutors and professors specialized on the areas, trained in terms of attention to diversity and specialized educators).The law establishes that all educative centers must watch out for the complete participation of students with disabilities on the different activities suggested by the school, whether they are educational or of cohabitation or others. We must guarantee that participation incorporating, if necessary, all the adaptations and the reasonable adjustments.More than the 95% of the students with disabilities make their mandatory education in an inclusive way on an equal basis with the others.School accessibility, since 2013 we have been prioritizing the performances in terms of accessibility referred to schools and the routes of access. Until now, we have invested approximately 1 million 400.000 euros.

Timeframe and/or implementation plan
The Government adopted on January 2018 a proposed legislation of Regulation of the Educative System of Andorra, which modernizes the law of Regulation of the Educative System of Andorra of 9th June 1994. This project updates the concept of an inclusive school and reaffirms the inclusion of students with disabilities in the educative system of Andorra in every level. With these measures, we also comply with the UN Convention on the rights of people with disabilities.

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