



The Case Study on the Engagement of Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (DPOs) in Voluntary National Reviews is a product of the Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities. This global report raises awareness for DPOs and how to engage with their governments in the national consultation processes on SDG implementation. This case study features the volunteering countries of Argentina, Bangladesh, Denmark, El Salvador, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Italy, Kenya, Nigeria, Peru, Sweden and Togo.

The information summarized in the country chapters was derived from DPOs and partners working at the national level on SDG implementation and information may be subjective. The amount of information that was provided also varies from country to country as well as in language. In addition, country chapters contain a section, that is providing excerpts from national reports. These sections use the exact language of the national governments.

The research and publication of this Global Report has been made possible through support from the UK Department for International Development (UK DFID).

Please note if you wish to make any comment please feel free to email: nfranzoni [at] ida-secretariat.org.


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