Title of paper: Eradicating Poverty and Promoting Prosperity for Persons with Disabilities
- Letter submitted to UN DESA (English, pdf, 190.12 KB)
- Submission Paper by the Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities
In November 2016, the Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities convened an open, transparent, accessible and inclusive call to initiate the establishment of a working group to draft the sectoral position paper. As a result, over 70 representatives from across the disability rights movement joined this call and agreed to carry out the work.
The working group agreed on several steps outlined below in the table. As a start, the working group identified key messages, and titles for the submission. Afterwards, break-out groups were formed to draft each chapter. These initial drafts were discussed by the entire working group and refined in line with the discussions. After agreement to the First Draft by the entire working group, a wide consultation was conducted with all the members of the Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities. Comments received to the First Draft were addressed and incorporated by the working group, and subsequently, the Second Draft was prepared for additional minor comments. At the end of the second consultation, the working group finalized the submission and launched endorsement process.
As a result of a wide outreach, 272 national, regional and international organisations from all over the world endorsed and signed up to support this submission. submissionpaper-hlpf2017-endorsed-by (English, docx, 111.24 KB).