The CRPD and 2030 Agenda have generated great historical global momentum, which now needs greater engagement by the UN and other development agencies in order to effectively support motivated national authorities to translate growing commitments and awareness into meaningful and resourced policy changes for the inclusion of persons with disabilities. To achieve this, DPOs have a key role to play in engaging both development agencies and national authorities, at global and country level, holding them accountable through international mechanisms, and providing them with relevant guidance for greater inclusion and participation.
Through the programme “Making the most of the Sustainable Development Goals to ensure the realisation of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities”, which complements the Disability Catalyst Programme, IDA wants to ensure that early implementation and monitoring of the 2030 Agenda contributes to substantive inclusion of rights of persons with disabilities in the work of the UN Development Group agencies, in accordance with the CRPD, and with attention to women and most marginalized groups.
The programme will be carried out by IDA and its members from January 2018 until December 2020.
The amount contributed by the MoFA Finland is Euro 1,500,000.
Through this programme, we seek the achievement of the following outputs:
- DPOs increase their capacities to make the most of international monitoring and accountability mechanisms to strengthen their national advocacy;
- Greater and more technical engagement of organizations of persons with disabilities (DPOs) with the UN system, other development agencies and national authorities in selected countries; and
- Greater availability of evidence and guidance on addressing non-discrimination and inclusion of persons with disabilities in development, with particular attention to most marginalized groups.
Across all activities of the project IDA will seek:
- At least equal involvement and leadership of women with disabilities;
- Greater involvement and empowerment of most marginalized disability constituencies whose representative organizations are often non-existent or very fragile;
- Greater disaggregation of data at minima by sex, age and disability; and
- Consideration for enforceable non-discrimination (including provision of reasonable accommodation) and accessibility requirements.
IDA is confident that realization of all those outputs combined with sustained level of engagement and participation of civil society and other stakeholders, such as the GLAD Network will allow this project to make a significant contribution to a truly inclusive implementation of agenda 2030 and realization of rights of persons with disabilities in line with the CRPD.
The programme includes different components and supports connections between ongoing IDA advocacy work at the global level (such as engagement with the CRPD committee, HLPF) and new initiatives aimed at strengthening DPO engagement with the 2030 Agenda at different levels and in different areas:
- Women with Disabilities Flagship Initiative
- Generating evidence for SDG monitoring from a CRPD perspective
- Support to organisations of underrepresented groups of persons with disabilities:
- WFDB World Report
- WFD Report on Baseline Data Collection on Deaf Education in Nepal
- WNUSP - IDA Global Survey
- Mainstreaming the rights of persons with disabilities in the UN
External evaluation of NORAD funded project. Read the full evaluation report here in PDF format and in Word format.