In this edition:
1. Activities in the past week
2. Upcoming activities and events
Activities in the past week
- Workshop: Enhancing coordination for a CRPD compliant SDG monitoring: On 26 and 27 September 2017, IDDC and IDA co-hosted an informal meeting to enhance the coordination for CRPD compliant SDG monitoring in London, United Kingdom. The meeting has been co-financed by IDA, IDDC members, Leonard Cheshire Disability, Handicap International (HI) and Sightsavers. The meeting was attended by representatives of ADF, PDF, RIADIS, WNUSP and II, as well as Disability Rights Advocacy Fund (DRAF). The purpose of the 2-day event was to share existing or upcoming initiatives with regards to CRPD-compliant SDG monitoring at country and regional levels and learnings from the High-Level Political Forum.
- BRIDGE CRPD-SDGs Training of Trainers: On the 28 September 2017 has started the IDA-IDDC BRIDGE CRPD-SDGs Training of Trainers Module B in Brighton, United Kingdom. It will run until the 5 October 2017. The Training is co-organised by IDA and Sightsavers and is financed by DFID, Sightsavers, Handicap International (HI), CBM and DRF. The trainees includes 16 leaders with disabilities from Africa, Latin America, Asia and the Pacific, including deaf people and persons with psychosocial disabilities. In addition, 13 invited experts and partners will attend some of the sessions, including representatives from IDDC (Sense International, Sightsavers, Handicap International, LFTW, CBM), the International Centre for Evidence in Disability, Big Lottery Fund, UK Department for International Development (DFID) and Development Pathways. Sessions cover topics such as legal harmonisation or budgetary advocacy as well as the role and evaluation of the disability movement, and inclusive facilitation. Updates from Day 1, Day 2 to 4 and Day 5 are available on IDA’s website.
- ARTICLE 11: On 25 and 26 September 2017 was held a two-days first in-person meeting of the NGO-International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Reference Group, in Amman, Jordan. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss engagement in the drafting of the Global Compact on Refugees. Members of the Reference Group primarily include humanitarian and refugee response networks. IDA, represented by Georgia Dominik, has been invited to discuss the possibility of membership within the “International Council of Voluntary Agencies” (ICVA), a network supporting increased collaboration and coordination between NGOs and other humanitarian actors. During the meeting, a strong interest was expressed from the Asia-Pacific Refugee Response Network (Asia and the Pacific) and Asylum Access (Latin America) to connect with IDA members at regional levels.
- Human Rights Council: On the 27 September 2017 was held a side event to the 36th Session of the Human Rights Council (HRC) on "Empowering Children with Disabilities through Inclusive Education: Building on Diversity" in Geneva. The event was organised by the Permanent Mission of Bulgaria, the Regional office of UNICEF, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Co-sponsors of the event are Finland, Namibia, Mexico, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Uruguay and IDA. The side-event aimed to continue the discussion on the right to inclusive education in the HRC. The meeting was based on the consensus that education is the most important avenue for the empowerment of children and persons with disabilities, and for the development of more inclusive societies. Ms Silvia Quan, IDA Senior Human Rights Advisor, participated as a speaker during the event.
Upcoming activities and events
- ARTICLE 11, multi-stakeholder workshop: The Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Task Team on inclusion of persons with disabilities in humanitarian action is holding a multi-stakeholder workshop on 2-3 October 2017 at the Palais des Nations, in Geneva, with support from Finland. The aim of the meeting is to advance the development of the Guidelines on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action, in a consultative manner.
- ARTICLE 11, Global Compact consultations: UNHCR and IDA are organizing an online and in-person briefing on the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework and the Global Compact for Refugees on 3 October 3.30pm – 4.30pm (Geneva time). Briefing will be from Deputy Director, Mr. Mamadou Dian Balde. A discussion will then follow on a joint submission to UNHCR on the rights of refugees with disabilities and the future Global Compact.
- UNIVERSAL PERIODIC REVIEWS: In the lead-up of the 28th Session of the Universal Periodic Reviews (UPR), which will take place from 6 to 17 November 2017, IDA is providing support to DPOs from Guatemala and Japan in engaging in the pre-session of the UPR of their country, by organizing meetings and providing technical support in advocating with Member States who will provide recommendations during the UPR review. IDA has also been providing full substantive support in the drafting of the report of the Japanese DPO.
- SPECIAL PROCEDURE: An expert group meeting on older persons with disabilities will take place on 25 - 26 October 2017, at the UN Headquarters in New York. The meeting is jointly convened by the UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities and the UN Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons. The aim of the expert group meeting is to discuss the intersectionality between disability and ageing in the exercise of autonomy and independence, and to explore the potential of international and regional human rights instruments to ensure their access to accessible, appropriate and affordable community-based support services. The main findings of the Expert Meeting will inform the next thematic report to the Human Rights Council of the Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities (March 2018), as well as the work of the Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons.