- May 23, 2018

15 – 17 May 2018
Dhaka, Bangladesh 

>> IDA Members’ Engagement
>> Dhaka Declaration
>> How to Engage in Sendai Monitoring

Members of the International Disability Alliance participated in the Second World Conference on Disability and Disaster Risk Management in Dhaka, Bangladesh from 15 – 17 May 2018. The conference was organized by the Bangladesh Ministry of Disaster Risk Management, and comprised over 700 international, regional and local stakeholders.

IDA members represented in the conference:

  • Pacific Disability Forum: Katabwena Tawaka (PDF Secretariat), Lanieta Tuimabu and Saveira Tinai (Fiji Disabled Peoples Federation)
  • RIADIS: Otto Mazariegos, Guatemala (RIADIS Board Member)
  • World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry: Sam Badege, Uganda (WNUSP Board Member)

Plenary Sessions and Special Events

IDA members shared their regional experiences and actions as speakers in plenary sessions and side events. This engagement included:

  • Good Practices around the World on Inclusive DRR and Humanitarian Actions (Plenary Session):  Otto Mazariegos, “Good practices on meaningful participation and contributions of persons with disabilities in disaster risk reduction and humanitarian action”
  • Women, Elders, Youths and Children with Disabilities in Disaster Risk Management (Plenary Session): Lanieta Tuimabu, “International frameworks and voluntary standards for inclusive humanitarian action / disaster risk management: reflections from Fiji”
  • IASC Guidelines on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action (Special Session): Katabwena Tawaka, “Experience from the IASC Guidelines Pacific Regional Consultation” 

Dhaka Declaration

IDA members participated in the review of the Dhaka Declaration adopted by the conference in 2015 and contributed to the drafting of the Dhaka Declaration 2018. The Dhaka Declaration provides concrete recommendations, global commitments and targets, as well as indicators to ensure the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction includes persons with disabilities.

Read the Dhaka Declaration 2018.

How to Engage in Sendai Monitoring and Implementation

For more information on the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, as well as global commitments and frameworks relevant for persons with disabilities, visit the page on UN Conventions and Political Commitments: Situations of Risk and Humanitarian Emergencies

The Thematic Group on DRR is an open coordination mechanism that supports persons with disabilities, their representative organizations and other relevant stakeholders to engage in the monitoring and implementation of the Sendai Framework. Read more here.

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Country: Bangladesh

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