The Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities held an Online Webinar on “The involvement of organisations of persons with disabilities in the Voluntary National Reviews". Introduction and Invitation to participate in a Case Study. The call was held on Tuesday 9 May. ( Captions)
Questionniare: Voluntary National Review, Disability Country questionnaire, Phase 1, Deadline 1 June 2017. Please send completed questionnaires to Orsolya Bartha (obartha [at]
More on the webinar
The Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities would like to compile a case study based on the Voluntary National Reviews and the engagement of persons with disabilities therein at the national level. The case study will focus on the situation of persons with disabilities and their advocacy efforts and engagement with their governments. Responses received from DPOs will be compiled into a case study organized by country.
During the webinar, the case study will be introduced, guidance will be provided on how to participate and phase I and II questionnaires will be elaborated. In addition, during the webinar there will be time to exchange views on ongoing national consultations and share experiences or concerns with regards to the inclusion of persons with disabilities.