Policy, legislation and its implementation
Bond DDG commits to influence and support the UK development and humanitarian sector to adopt CRPD-compliant policies, adhere to principles of disability-inclusion in their work and meet their commitments made at the Summit.
Timeframe and/or implementation plan
We will follow up and support development and humanitarian actors to implement their commitments made at the Summit. We will support DFID to draft their new Disability Framework and work to support and monitor its implementation.
Representation and empowerment of persons with disabilities
Bond DDG commits to act as a catalyst to increase the fully funded and meaningful participation of people with disabilities among UK development and humanitarian actors.
Timeframe and/or implementation plan
We will advocate for the full participation of people with disabilities. We will ensure that our advocacy is informed by members work with people with disabilities in low and middle income countries. Based on members’ experience – we will support organisations to include people with disabilities in a meaningful way.
Stereotypes, attitudes and behaviours
Bond DDG commits to gather evidence and share best practice, from across our members’ programmes, and use this to scale up efforts to raise awareness and advocate for effective strategies to eliminate stigma and discrimination of people with disabilities.
Timeframe and/or implementation plan
This will form a key part of our objectives and plans over the next 2-3 years. We will ensure sharing sessions on this topic in at least one of our member meetings.