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A Nordic Movement For Change Report
The Nordic disability organisations have written this report, to assess the current policies of our governments on international disability issues, and to assess in what way could the Global Disability Summit in London help strengthen the SDGs and LNOB agenda.
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Global Disability Summit 2018 - Summary of Commitments
Read the summary of those 170 sets of commitments made at the Global Disability Summit.
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Global Disability Summit Charter for Change
Download and access the Global Disability Summit Charter for Change in regular and easy to read formats.
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List of Stakeholders signing Charter for Change
In this document, you will find a list of all Governments and organisations who signed up to the Global Disability Summit Charter for Change.
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Global Disability summit: One Year On Accountability Report (September 2019)
The Global Disability Summit was co-hosted by the UK Department for International Development, the International Disability Alliance and the Government of Kenya in July 2018. It was a game-changing event with far reaching consequences.
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Cumbre Mundial sobre Discapacidad +2 Años: Avances en el Cumplimiento de los Compromisos
El propósito de la Cumbre Mundial de la Discapacidad de 2018, celebrada en Londres, era iniciar una nueva corriente en el movimiento de los derechos de las personas con discapacidad. Los efectos ya se dejaron sentir, y las repercusiones probables del cumplimiento de nuevos compromisos, siguen siendo emocionantes y transformadoras.
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Sommet Mondial sur le Handicap +2 Ans: Les Progrès dans la Mise en Oeuvre des Engagements
Le Sommet mondial sur le handicap 2018, qui s’est tenu à Londres, avait vocation à faire naître une nouvelle vague dans le mouvement pour les droits des personnes handicapées. L’impact d’ores et déjà ressenti ainsi que les effets probables de l’accomplissement de nouveaux engagements demeurent enthousiasmants et transformateurs.
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Global Disability Summit +2 Years: Progress on Implementation of Commitments
The 2018 Global Disability Summit in London was intended to start a new wave in the disability rights movement. The impact already felt, and the likely impact of the delivery of further commitments remain exciting and transformative.
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