
Stereotypes, attitudes and behaviours
To raise public awareness on disability rights and to support the involvement of persons with disability and/or their representative organizations in the process. The ML&SP held consultations with DPOs, Civil Society to develop this commitment. In order to achieve the ambition for this commitment, the Ministry will work with the same stakeholders supported by development partners- World Bank, DFID, UNICEF and the private sector to address stigma and discrimination against people with disabilities.  

Timeframe and/or implementation plan

  1. Raise awareness and enforce existing laws and policies promoting rights of Persons with Disabilities;
  2. Revitalize CBR programs to foster socio-economic inclusion, education;
  3. Build capacities of communities, first responders and service delivery professionals on inclusion of PWD in crisis risk reduction, preparedness and response;
  4. Implement awareness programs that address violence against women and girls with disability and promote disability inclusive reproductive health.
Theme: Eliminate Stigma and Discrimination
Year: 2018

Inclusive education sector plans 
To develop and implement costed inclusive education sector plans that focus on equipment, infrastructure and teacher training. This commitment has been developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Education- Department of Special Education and civil society partners. Beginning 2018/2019 financial year till 2022, the MLSP targets to equip 12 rehabilitation centres enhance capacity of 10 Education Assessment Centres across the counties to enable persons with disabilities access early education, training and rehabilitation services

Timeframe and/or implementation plan

  1. Ring-fence and allocate funds for equipment, infrastructure and teacher training in inclusive education;
  2. Enhance capacity of the Educational Assessment and Resource Centres (EARCs) to identify, assess and place children with disabilities in appropriate learning institutions;
  3. Modernize vocational rehabilitation centers to enable them offer quality rehabilitation and training targeting persons with disabilities.
Theme: Inclusive Education
Year: 2018

Reasonable accomodation in the workplace and training institutions
To improve the lives of persons with disabilities and to enhance opportunities for the development of their economic potential.The commitment was developed in collaboration with DPOs, INGOs and Civil Society. It will incorporate similar efforts in implementing the action plans post the Summit. The MLSS will develop a five year action plan starting 2018/19 to and will incorporate a midterm review at year 3.  

Timeframe and/or implementation plan 

  1. Institutionalize National Disability Inclusive Budgeting across all government departments both at national and county levels;
  2. Enforce the thirty Percent quota allocation of Government Procurement opportunities to PWDs at National and County governments and other institutions;
  3. Review the targeting criteria for social assistance programme for PWDs, so as to include more vulnerability in the category;
  4. Actualize accessibility information and to built environments as provided for in the existing legislations to enhance social and economic involvement of persons with disabilities.
Theme: Routes to Economic Empowerment
Year: 2018

Join Global Partnership for Assistive Technology
To finalize and implement the national disability policy on assistive devices and support services. The ML&SP will lead the development of the national policy to guide technology and innovation for assistive devices, and ensure participation of DPOs and stakeholders in all stages.  The ML&S expects to finalize policy within FY 2018/2019 and begin implementation thereafter. The Hub ecosystem and guidelines to regularize innovation, development and importation will be built within the policy, and implementation plan. 

Timeframe and/or implementation plan 

  1. Regularize and enforce standards on innovation for development and importation of assistive devices;
  2. Set up assistive technology HUB amongst major stakeholders including universities, innovators, producers, users among others;
  3. To reference the WHO guidelines on the 50 priority assistive devices in developing and implementing assistive devices programmes.
Theme: Harnessing Technology and Innovation
Year: 2018