JICA, in accordance with the Development Cooperation Charter, will work on human security and quality growth.

Leading the world with trust. JICA, with its partners, will take the lead in forging bonds of trust across the world, aspiring for a free, peaceful and prosperous world where people can hope for a better future and explore their diverse potentials.


1. Commitment: Commit ourselves with pride and passion to achieving our mission and vision.

2. Gemba: Dive into the field ("gemba") and work together with the people.

3. Strategy: Think and act strategically with broad and long-term perspectives

4. Co-creation: Bring together diverse wisdom and resources.

5. Innovation: Innovate to bring about unprecedented impacts.

Read more: https://www.jica.go.jp/english/about/mission/index.html


Representation and empowerment of persons with disabilities
In Mongolia, the Project for Promoting Social Participation of Persons with Disabilities supports establishing structure of persons with disabilities in collaboration with the Government of Mongolia, DPOs, and other stakeholders. The project adopts approaches such as building capacity of organization to promote social participation of people with disabilities, promoting accessibility, and conducting the Disability Equality Training.

Timeframe and/or implementation plan 
Implementation plan of the Project for Promoting Social Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Ulaanbaatar City in Mongolia (2016-20).

Representation and empowerment of persons with disabilities
In South Africa, the project for the Promotion of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities and Disability Mainstreaming supportsthe National Department of Social Development in order to promote empowerment of person with disability in collaboration with DPOs and other stakeholders. The project focuses on two approaches namely disability-specific approaches (e.g. organizing peer counseling and strengthening Self-help group) and disability - mainstreaming approach (e.g. promoting Community-based Inclusive development). The project will publish the guideline on those approaches.  

Timeframe and/or implementation plan
Implementation plan of Project for the Promotion of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities and Disability Mainstreaming in South Africa (2016-20)  Implementation plan of Knowledge Co-Creation Program JFY 2018(Independent living and Mainstreaming for Persons with Disabilities in Africa).           

Theme: Eliminate Stigma and Discrimination
Year: 2018

Capacity building: teachers and staff
Aiming to realize SDGs4, JICA sets equity and inclusion as one of the guiding principles to strengthen its project implementation in education.

Timeframe and/or implementation plan
Implementation plan of theProject for Strengthening Teachers Ability and Reasonable Treatments for Children with Disability in Mongolia(2015-19), Project of Strengthening Teacher Education on Special Needs Education Phase2 in Afghanistan (2013-17), The Project for Strengthening Education for Children with Special Needs Through Inclusive Education Approach in Sri Lanka (Planning), The Project for the Improvement of the Facilities for Primary and Secondary Education in Ulaanbaatar City, Mongolia (2017-21), Knowledge Co-Creation Program JFY2018 (Education system for Children with Disability, Strengthening Effective Teaching toward Inclusive Education, Planning the lessons for children with disabilities in the context of special needs education).

Theme: Inclusive Education
Year: 2018

Access to decent work
JICA implements Knowledge Co-Creation Programme and Country- Focused Training which focus on the enhancement of economic opportunities for persons with disabilities .

Timeframe and/or implementation plan
Implementation plan of theKnowledge Co-Creation Program JFY 2018(Social Participation and Livelihood of Persons with Disabilities through a Community-based Inclusive Approach, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Community Activities). Implementation plan of theCountry-Focused Training JFY 2018 (LEP2.0 Construction of Employment Transition Support System for Persons with Disability).

Theme: Routes to Economic Empowerment
Year: 2018

New programmes or services
JICA will promote information accessibility utilizing technology to realize the CRPD article 9, “Accessibility”.JICA will put effort into adopting universal design of publication considering the needs of people who have difficulties to read printed material.

Timeframe and/or implementation plan 
Implementation plan of the Project for improvement of inclusion of people with disabilities through improvement of information accessibility in Egypt (Planning). Implementation plan of theCollaboration Program with the Private Sector for Disseminating Japanese Technology for Accessible Multimedia DAISY Production Software for Persons with Print Disabilities in Egypt (2018-2019).

Theme: Harnessing Technology and Innovation
Year: 2018

In Mongolia, the Project for Promoting Social Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Ulaanbaatar City supports the collection of various information related to persons with disabilities. The project newly publishedthe Disability in Mongolia 2017 Facts and figures in collaboration with DPOs and other stakeholders.

Timeframe and/or implementation plan
Implementation plan of the Project for Promoting Social Participation of Persons with Disabilities in Ulaanbaatar City in Mongolia (2016-20).

Theme: Data Disaggregation
Year: 2018

The JICA guidelines for environmental and social considerations including aspects such as gender and disability was developed, which promotes the integration of issues in terms of women and girls with disabilities into JICA operations. For instance, ex-ante evaluations of JICA projects is examined based on the gender and disability lens. 

Timeframe and/or implementation plan 
Measures in line with the JICA guidelines for environmental and social considerations.

Theme: Women and Girls with Disabilities
Year: 2018

JICA adopted the concept of Human Security which refersto the safeguarding of people’s freedom from fear and want, ensuring that they (e.g. refugee group) can livein safety and dignity. Under the umbrella of the concepts of Human Security, Japan committed to disaster management by sharing its knowledge and experience with the international community, and pledged to include those with disabilities in disaster risk reduction planning. Thus, JICA will advocate Disability-Inclusive Disaster Risk Management.

Timeframe and/or implementation plan
Implementation plan of theSchool-based Disaster Education training for students with intellectual disabilities in Turkey. Implementation plan of theFeasibility Survey for Development of Accessible TV Set-Top-Box for Persons with Visual or Auditory Disabilities in Support of Disaster Risk Reduction in Ecuador (JFY 2018).

Theme: Conflict and Humanitarian Contexts
Year: 2018

Mainstreaming Disability into JICA Operations

JICA adopted the concept of the CRPD and the Act for Eliminating Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities of Japan in order to realise the human rights of person with disability. For example, JICA promotes the social participation of person with disabilities (e.g. promoting dispatch of volunteers and experts with disabilities), providing reasonable accommodation, and prohibiting discrimination against individuals with disabilities etc.

Theme: Other
Year: 2018