- July 20, 2016

Stakeholder Group with SDG signs

Today was the final day of the 2016 High-level Political Forum, with the day's focus on the remaining Voluntary National Reviews. In total, of the 22 countries reviewed this year during the HLPF, nine made express references to the rights and participation of persons with disabilities in their national implementation of the SDGs, these were Egypt, Finland, France, Madagascar, Morocco, Norway, Siera Leone, Samoa and Togo.

Persons with Disabilities included in closing statements

The Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disability collaborated with other representatives of civil society, through the Major Groups and other Stakeholders, to deliver nine joint statements throughout the reviews, consistently highlighting the rights of persons with disabilities. You may download the collaborative statements on the File Philippines and File Venezuela. Statements by other civil society groups also highlighted the rights of persons with disabilities. In total, the Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities contributed to the main sessions 16 times throughout the HLPF. 

José Maria Viera spoke during the closing session, highlighting that "Quality technology means accessible technology for all. National implementation of the SDGs must happen with the people. The right to participate has to include all people and to guarantee this we have to government private sector and civil society. We recognize the efforts made at global level we need now to make sure that that voice is heard at the regional national and local level. We need to make sure that we engage human rights organizations and other partners. SDGs is more than development. Is making sure that all human rights are fulfilled and we feel that we are all included. We need to bridge scientists with policy makers and social leaders to make sure that all goals are achieved with political will and data disaggregation with participation of civil society otherwise the 2030 Agenda will not be a reality for all of us."

Jose Viera speaking during the HLPF opening session

IDA Chair, Colin Allen presented during the General Debate at the closing of the HLPF, to a high-level audience of senior government ministers from Member States under review. He described the work accomplished by DPOs in many of these countries, and expressed the willingness and availability of DPOs to work together with all governments in implementing the SDGs. 

"DPOs are looking for opportunities to work with governments, and many are being turned away. Public consultations often exclude persons with disabilities themselves and their representative organisations. Even when wider civil society is invited to participate, meetings and documents are not accessible for many persons with disabilities, thus excluding them from democratic processes. Persons with disabilities encounter barriers to participate fully in designing, implementing and reviewing national development programmes." - Colin Allen

Colin Allen in HLPF

File Download a video of Colin Allen's intervention

File Click here to download full statement

Attention now turns to bringing the progress achieved at the global level, to support national planning, implementation and reviews - to make the SDGs inclusive of persons with disabilities and their rights. The Stakeholder Group of Persons with Disabilities will remain active to connect this work to the global level reviews and coordination.

Continue the debates and discussions online using #HLPF2016 #SDGs and #LeaveNoOneBehind

Photos from the HLPF are available on our Facebook page, click here.

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